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:: iujk is a private project born to promote a non-profit culture ::


About.Com: Nonprofit Charitable Organizations
"Information about nonprofit organizations, management, fundraising, grant writing, volunteers, nonprofit employment and nonprofit start-ups."
ASAE's Gateway to Associations
A searchable directory of the Web sites of associations. Search by association name, category, and location and get a direct link each association's Web site.
Benton's Best Practices Toolkit
Benton's Best Practices Toolkit provides "tools to help nonprofits make effective use of communications and information technologies." This site has a comprehensive list of links to online resources that includes items about technology funding and basic Web information.
The Conference Board
"The Conference Board is the world's leading business membership and research organization, connecting senior executives from more than 2,200 enterprises in over 60 nations. A nonprofit, nonadvocacy organization, The Conference Board produces the Consumer Confidence Index, the Leading Economic Indicators, and a wide range of reports on best business practices and the latest economic trends, which leads to The Conference Board receiving more than 21,000 media citations per year. The Conference Board also provides a diverse program of conferences and forums for over 15,000 executives from different industries and nations to meet and share insights."
Coyote Communications Technology Tip Sheets
The Technology Tip Sheets were created "to help organizations and individuals reap money-saving, program-enhancing benefits from technology. Most of this material is geared to not-for-profit and public sector organizations, but some (at the bottom of this page) is more general, and all of it is applicable (and adaptable) to a variety of agencies."
" is the premier site for nonprofit and public sector employment in higher education, health, advocacy, philanthropy, government, social and human services, and community and economic development."
The Foundation Center
The Foundation Center is a non-profit organization devoted to serving the information needs of grantmakers and grantseekers. They publish an extensive list of books and provide libraries and training sessions related to the non-profit sector. The Website's Reference Desk has a FAQ page organized by topic, a long list of annotated links for finding online sites related to non-profits, and an online reference librarian who takes questions by e-mail. There are also some informational materials online such as a "A Proposal Writing Short Course."
Free Management Library
The Free Management Library provides extensive how-to management information to managers -- particularly those with very limited resources. Items in the library are relevant to both for-profit and nonprofit organizations unless otherwise marked at the top of the page containing the item. Organized into 675 different management related categories, the library provides resources from topics ranging from organizational communitation to e-commerce to risk management.
Grants Web
"The Grant Resources page is a great resource for researching available public, private and Government grants."
GRANTS, ETC. is designed to enable both experienced and novice grantseekers and fund-raisers to access information on the Internet by providing annotated links to a variety of funding sources, including corporate, foundation, non-profit, government, individual and international sources. This site also provides information about related learning resources, such as workshops, associations, journals, and libraries. Grant seekers will also discover proposal writing suggestions and supportive data sources, such as statistical information, from this site.
The Grantsmanship Center Magazine
"TGCI Magazine is packed with information on how to plan, manage, staff and fund the programs of nonprofit organizations and government agencies."
"A free information service on the programs and finances of more than 600,000 charities and nonprofits, news on philanthropy, and resources for donors and volunteers." The site has a database of charities and nonprofits that is searchable by keyword, location, or income range; a news service; classified ads placed by the nonprofit organizations in the database; and suggestions to individuals about charitable giving, including tips on tax deductions and non-cash contributions.
Help Filling Out Your 501(c)(3) Application
"This webstite, based on a free class taught in Seattle, Washington, in the 1990's, is designed to help new non-profit organizations complete IRS Form 1023, the Application for Exempt Status Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code." The website offers page by page instructions, information on how the IRS processes applications, and other helpful and timely information.
A site run by a non-profit foundation which has a searchable directory of 10,000 Web sites of non-profit organizations, information on volunteering, jobs, projects and some tools for non-profits on subjects like fundraising, financial management, personnel, public relations, legal issues.
"INDEPENDENT SECTOR is committed to strengthening, empowering, and partnering with nonprofit and philanthropic organizations in their work on behalf of the public good. Its membership of nonprofit organizations, foundations, and corporate philanthropy programs collectively represents tens of thousands of charitable groups serving every cause in every region of the country, as well as millions of donors and volunteers."
Information for Nonprofits
This site is a project of The Evergreen State Society in Washington State and it provides information to nonprofit organizations. Includes periodical bulletins and links to "The Nonprofit Files (FAQ), "Information for Washington Nonprofits" and the the Evergreen State Society.
Internet Nonprofit Center
A great resource to find information about nonprofits all over the United States. You can search for a nonprofit by entering in key terms (or a name) and the state you are interested in. You can also browse homepages provided by organizations themselves. In addition to this information, you can browse their library of articles about various non-profits and non-profit issues.
The Nonprofit File (FAQ)
This site has compiled the Frequently Asked Questions from the newsgroup and also provides links to sites of interest to non-profits.
NonProfit Gateway
The NonProfit Gateway "is designed as a central starting point to help nonprofit organizations access online Federal information and services. Linked to all Cabinet Departments and many agencies, it contains information about grants, regulations, taxes, and other services as well as information on a wide range of other topics and programs."
"The Internet's leading source of nonprofit jobs and career opportunities." You can post or search for non-profit jobs in the United States. The Library links to publications, newsgroups, and organizations that might also be of interest.
The Virtual Volunteering Project
The Virtual Volunteering Project provides resources to agencies that recruit and manage on-line volunteers, as well as to people who are on-line volunteers. Resources include the On-line Volunteering Handbook, an on-line volunteer listserv, and links to on-line volunteer opportunities.
A non-profit organization whose mission is "to facilitate and increase community involvement via the internet. [They] seek to collaborate with and complement existing organizations and build community resources to get more people involved." The site lists volunteer opportunities available through Volunteer America, allows you to search for non-profits in your local area and has a section about the "why and how" of volunteering.
Passion Of The Present
Passion of the Present provides all the latest news giving particular emphasis to the defence of human rights
